
Chicken Breeds

About Our Breeds

(**Please tap on titles below to go directly to each breeds page, which has more details and pictures or you can tap on the little down arrow icon right beside the breeds tab above and it will give you a drop down menu and select the breed you want to look at from there)
The DROP down MENU above works perfectly, if ever the titles below dont work**) 
Opal Legbar (pullets).  
 Tap on title here ^ to get full details &  pictures!

Lay Med-Large to Large Blue or Blue-green Eggs, Beautiful Bird color, and sex-linked at hatch - so sold as guarenteed newly hatched pullet (female)
Light & Coronation Sussex.  
Tap on title here ^ to get full details & pictures!
True Duo Purpose Breed for both eggs and carcall,  good layers and lay in winter.   Striking Black and white, and oh so calm and personable.  True gentle giants & grow fast for a heritage breed which is a bonus for our short seasons. 
Sold Straight run - unsexed!
Tap on title here ^ to get full details & pictures!
These guys are in the Olive egger pen this year to make a unique cross for fun eggs.

Olive-Eggers & Funky Blues.  
Tap on title here ^ to get full details & pictures!
A perfect combo to make layers that are fun and lay various shades of olive colored eggs.   And also available Funky Blues!
Sold Straight run - unsexed!
Cream/Crele Legbars split to Opal Legbars pullets  (THIS TAB CURENTLY NOT WORKING)
 (*also these chicks not available at this time, possibly in the fall of 2023)