Chicks & Prices
Chick & Prices
Breeds for the Upcoming SEASON 2023
-- all chicks are sold as 2 to 5 days old, and sometimes may be up to 1 week or so old!
-- all chicks are sold straight run - unsexed unless otherwise noted like the Legbars which are sex-linked.
-- all chicks for your order will come in boxes - plus we sprinkle feed on the bottom so they have something to eat and do along the trip!
( you dont need to bring anything - unless you have an extra long trip home and want to bring a small water to give them before you head home from the city)
-- I do not pack chicks for city trips unless they are pre-ordered.
(**please see our breed section on this page for very detailed information on each breed you see below**)
*** Opal Legbars ***
Newly Hatched pullet (*guarenteed female*) chick
$32 a pullet chick
*** Cream/Crele Lebar Split to Opal Legbar *** (Not available @ this time, may have very limited quanities this FALL 2023)
(simply means Cream/Crele Legbar carrying 1 copy of the Opal gene in their genetics)
Newly Hatched pullet (*guarenteed female*) chick
$25 a pullet chick
***Light and Cornation Sussex *** (BUY in BULK for best deals across the board - less per chick on average)
Newly Hatched - Straight-run...Unsexed!!
$13.00 a chick ---- or Buy 12 and get 1 FREE
-Extra BULK Deal - Buy 18 and get 2 FREE
- Buy 24 and get 3 FREE
*** Olive Eggers ***
Newly Hatched - Straight-run....Unsexed!
$12 a chick ---------- or Buy 12 and get 1 FREE
please read breed profile page on my site for the unique details of this purposed cross with my Lavender Marans & Black Copper Marans hens with a Rare Opal Legbar Rooster) True Olive egg, as it is a cross between a blue egg layer and a dark chocolate egg layer! (Not a cream egg layer but true chocolate egg layer used to make an Olive egger)
*** Funky Blues ***
Newly Hatched - Straight-run.... unsexed
$11 a chick ------------ or Buy 12 and get 1 FREE
please read breed profile page on my site for the unique details of this purposed cross with my Ameraucana & Ameraucana x Marans hens with a Rare Opal Legbar Rooster) True shades of blue, and spearmint blue green eggs and funky fun look!