Olive Eggers & Funky Blues
$12/chick or Buy 12 - Get 1 FREE
All chicks are sold as 2 to 5 day olds and sometimes up to 10 days. Sold straight run - unsexed
This is a very purposed cross. It is my fairly Rare Opal Legbar Rooster over my Lavender & Black Copper Marans hens! This is taking a true chocolate brown egg layer (not just a cream or tan egg layer) but true chocolate egg layer and putting a blue to blue-green egg layer genetic rooster over them! Thus creating an Olive colored egg in different shades of Olive! Great for yet another unique egg color in your basket and some neat looking birds. Also this cross is hardy and vigorous and some will have cute tiny tuffs of feathers on their head coming from the genetics of the opal Legbar Roaster! Note: when receiving you can't request only chicks with tuffs on their head as can't always tell at hatch and if we can we will do our best for a mixture to keep it fair across the board! All depends on the hatch.
$11/chick or Buy 12 - Get 1 FREE!
All chicks are sold as 2 to 5 day olds and sometimes up to 10 days. Sold straight run - unsexed
Another very purposed fun cross! This pen is our Fairly Rare Opal Legbar Rooster over Wheaten Ameraucana Hens that lay blue eggs, and Blue Ameraucana x Marans hens that lay instense Olive eggs. The resulting offspring shoud be fun and funky. Also this cross is hardy and vigorous and some will have cute tiny tuffs of feathers on their head coming from the genetics of the opal Legbar Roaster! And some will have the Fluffy cheeks of the Ameraucana, and some could have both which will be so much fun!!!!!! Note: when receiving you can't request only chicks with tuffs on their head and fluffy cheeks as can't always tell at hatch and if we can we will do our best for a mixture to keep it fair across the board! All depends on the hatch. The resulting offspring if females - when they start to lay willlay blue or blue green or unique spearmint blue green eggs. So excited to see results.
Above two crosses are such a fun mix to add to the basket! And to the flock! Unique on all accounts! Limited quanties as small pens, book and pre-order today!
** You can prebook orders for the New Year, likely starting hatch in January and on. Book to help guarentee a spot!